Dinging the universe, building companies, studying, having fun 🚀

Hey there! Nice to see you, I'm Anders 👋 Nerd, product guy, entrepeneur, speaker, caffeine-addict. Long story short, I like building stuff. Like really.

$50m in revenue, 1000s of customers, 3 exits, many failiures, countless learnings.

Building products is my hobby. Luckily for me, it’s also my job from time to time. Here are some of the companies I have built.


AI-Realtor, SaaS

Idea to exit in 6 months in AI-SaaS

From afternoon MVP to 10k lines of code, AI-Realtor blew up as the best AI for realtors. Strategically aquired by Norways biggest franchise in only 6 months.


Motkraft, Energy company

0 to $50m in revenue building a non-profit energy company

Lawsuits, crooked competition, technical mayhem and blitz-scaling. This is how we built Norways first non-profit energy company in record time.


XVR, VR for real estate

VR in China, a lesson in product market fit

After building best-in-class VR-graphics for RedBull and real estate companies, we ventured to China for a bigger market. Safe to say, we learned some lessons.


Spinnaker, marketing agency

Spinnaker - Award winning marketing agency

From travelling circus to tv-commercials, I produced commercials for Audi, Marriott, Orkla and Bislett Games.

Thoughts, tinkers and tales

Adventuring through the San Franciscan jungle, building companies, throwing events, reading books. Here are some of the things on my mind.

Favorite books of 2023

Earlier this year i set out to read more books. These are the best I read.

Read more

I sometime spill some insights on stage - Talks about AI, innovation and technology.

Whether it's a keynote, a panel discussion or a workshop, I love to share my insights and learnings with an audience. Reach out 👋

  • How AI actually works. Everyone talks about AI, but do you really know how it works? I am doing a Master's in it. Let's take a deep dive under the hood of modern AI so that you know how to best use it.
  • How you can implement AI in business today. Having worked on machine learning for the Norwegian Oil Fund (NBIM) while also building a AI-company, I got my hands dirty to show you how AI can be easy and profitable for your business.
  • Innovation for everyone. After building a couple of businesses I started to see some patterns. These are some sure-fire ways to accelerate every kind of process in your company. Strap in for a rollercoaster-ride of tears, lawsuits and success.
  • Looks interesting?.

I wont bite, let's get in touch

My "offices", swing by!

  • San Francisco
    Ferry Building
  • Trondheim
    NTNU Gløshaugen
    Somewhere in a book